

#1. When driving on an expressway, you need to react ________ to traffic situations.

Answer: B

This is because the traffic flow is smoother and faster on expressways.


#2. Skidding is due to:

Answer : C


#3. When you are approaching a steep hill, you should:

Answer: C

shift to either 1st or 2nd gear before going uphill, lower gear will give more power for the car to move up


#4. To allow the motorcyclist behind to overtake you, you should:


Answer: B

you should slow down gradually instead of quickly to give advance warning to other drivers who would then be able to adjust their speed accordingly.


#5. How often should you check your rear view mirrors?

Answer: B

Most of the time you should keep your eyes on the road ahead, but you still need to be aware of vehicles that are following you.


#6. A probationary driver who accumulates 13 or more demerit points within _________ from the date of grant of the license will have his/her license revoked.

Answer: C


#7. When a front tyre blows out, the pull on the vehicle towards the blown side will be_____ compare as if it is a rear-wheel tyre.

Answer: B


#8. If you are caught drink driving, what will happen?

Answer: C

Drinking driving will endanger lives and is a serious offense in Singapore.


#9. When reversing, the vehicle's response to the steering wheel is

Answer: A


#10. When the gear is in the neutral position and clutch is not depressed,


Answer: B

Power is transmitted from engine to the gearbox if the clutch is released (not depressed); power is not transmitted from the gearbox to the wheels if the gear is at neutral.


#11. if you feel tired while driving, you should

Answer: A


#12. When approaching a bend, you should

Answer: A


#13. When passing fixed obstacles, keep a distance of at least ___ from them.

Answer: A


#14. Where should you place your left foot immediately after you released the clutch pedal?

Answer: A


#15. When reversing, you should steer


#16. Which pedal should you depress first to start a manual car?

Answer: A


#17. From the driver`s seat, The actual width of the road required for your vehicle is


Answer: A


#18. The centrifugal force tends to ______ when driving round a bend or corner at low speed.

Answer: B

Centrifugal force tends to pull vehicles outwards, especially when driving at high speed.


#19. Which of following statement is incorrect?

Answer: C


#20. The engine stalls while you are driving up a narrow slope, what should you do?

Answer: C

Brake to prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards. Engage neutral gear so that power will not be transmitted to the wheels when the engine is started.



#21. What should you do to resume the effectiveness of the brake after driving through flood?

Answer: B

Dry the brakes by pumping the brake pedal repeatedly after driving through flood


#22. When should you dip your headlights?

Answer: C

Dip headlights when follow another vehicle so the beam will not be reflected in the rear mirror of the vehicle in front and dazzle him. Dip headlights on oncoming traffic so as not to dazzle the driver


#23. You notice that a traffic light shows flashing amber, what should you do?

Answer: C

Flashing amber suggests that the traffic light is not working, you should proceed with caution.


#24. You should check for oil and water leakages


Answer: A

Check for oil or water leakages under the vehicle daily.


#25. How many blind spot you can not view from your mirror?

Answer :B


#26. If any of the wheels become loose while driving on the road, what should your do?

Answer: C

slow down, give the appropriate signal and stop at a safe spot by the side of the road, tighten the wheels and then proceed.


#27. Hindering the flow of traffic is an scheduled offence under DIPS with ___ demerit points

Answer: B


#28. What kinds of cars are not allowed on the Expressway?

Answer: A

Learner drivers are not allowed to practice on the expressway


#29. How would you activate engine-braking?

Answer: A


#30. Before starting the engine, you should

Answer: B


#31. To release the handbrake,

Answer: A



#32. Which of the following statements is correct? free-wheeling vehicles are :

Answer: A


#33. When moving off, what will happen if the clutch pedal is released too suddenly?

Answer: C


#34. When does the two second rule apply?

Answer: A

the two second rule can be applied to vehicle at all speed on dry road surface.


#35. Why should more than 2 seconds safe following distance be kept on rainy days or poor visibility days?

Answer: C

When the road is wet/slippery and visibility is poor, always keep a wider following distance.



#36. What qualities should a good driver possess?

Answer: D

all of the above (A, B, C)


#37. Which of the following cases is true for engine brake?

Answer: A

The lower the gear, the more effective is the engine brake.


#38. How many pedals does a manual car have?

Answer: B

A manual car has 3 pedals. The clutch, brake and accelerator


#39. When reversing, it is a good habit to:

Answer: C

by doing both, it will be easier for you to hear warning sounds from other drivers or yells from pedestrians.


#40. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

Answer: A


#41. Good control of a vehicle is kept by

Answer: C


#42. What should you do when your vehicle`s windscreen is shattered on an expressway

Answer: A


#43. What will happen, If the speed of a vehicle is increased while going round a bend?

Answer: C  Higher speed means greater centrifugal force, the vehicle will tends to be pulled outwards, hence it will be harder to keep it in its lane.


#44. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Answer: C


#45. How do you turn on headlights to be high beam?

Answer: C

push the light switch lever forward for High Beam, backward for Low Beam.


#46. When using the brake pedal


Answer: B


#47. How should you depress the accelerator pedal,

Answer: B


#48. When driving, you should position your vehicle to get clear view of

Answer: A

in order to react safely and appropriately, you should always keep an eye on the movements around you.


#49. When there is an emergency vehicle travelling behind you, you should ______.

  1. keep left or right and slow down or stop if necessary.

#50. When driving straight through an uncontrolled junction, you should?

Answer: C

Many accidents occur at Junctions. A quick check before proceeding helps to prevent accidents.




#51. How to operate on the windscreen wiper?

Answer: A


#52. In order to stop gradually the driver should

Answer: B


#53. When making a left turn, your body should

Answer: C


#54. When approaching pedestrians who are turned away from the traffic, you should keep a minimum distance of _______ from them.

Answer: A


#55. Which of the following type of vehicle are not allowed on expressways?

Answer: B

Mobile cranes would impede the smooth trafflic flow.


#56. Name the force that push your vehicle outwards when going around a curve/bend?

Answer: C

Centrifugal Force pushes vehicle out of its travelling path especially when driving at high speed.



#57. What can cause heavy steering?

Answer: B

Under-inflated tyre will cause heavy steering


#58. Gear changing involves the co-ordination of ___

Answer: B


#59. What happens to the tachometer (used to indicate number of engine revolutions per minute ) when the engine reaches the Biting Point?

Answer: A

When the engine reach the biting point, you will see a slight decrease of engine revolutions from the tachometer.


#60. What should you do if you strike the kerb while making a narrow turn?

Answer: C

you should reverse so that when you are in the correct position, you will drive through the narrow turn smoothly.


#61. When the travelling speed decreases from 50km/h to 30km/h, your field of vision

Answer: B


#62. Which of the following is incorrect?

Answer: C


#63. A driver who has been suspended before will be suspended again if he accumulates

Answer: C


#64. Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is to prevent the wheels from locking and hence to prevent skidding, it will come into effect

Answer: A


If you depress the brake too excessively, it might cause the wheels to be locked and the vehicle to skid, ABS prevents the wheels from locking so the car can still be controlled


#65. When stopping for pedestrians to cross

Answer : B


#66. When the gear lever is in the Neutral N position, while clutch pedal is released

Answer: C


#67. When another vehicle tries to overtake your car dangerously

Answer: A

When being overtaken, sound the horn only when accidents might happen


#68. The brake become ineffective after passing through water, how to resume its effectiveness?

Answer: C


#69. The act of intermittent braking

Answer: C

intermittent braking give advance warning to drivers following behind, tail lights will be up when foot brake is pressed. It also prevents locking the wheels


#70. Road shoulders on expressways are meant for

Answer: C


#71. What is a speed warning device?

Answer: B

This speed warning device warn driver that the speed limit has been exceeded.


#72. What is the most probable cause of brake fade when travelling down a long steep slope?

Answer: B


Using the foot brake all the way down a long steep slope will cause brake fade due to overheating of the brakes


#73. driving across a sandy surface,

Answer: A


#74. If you are being tailgated, your reaction should be

Answer: C

 do not suddenly brake as the driver behind may not have enough time to react, slow down gradually and allow the driver to pass.


#75. Roughly, how many percent of information perceived from the driver's eyes?

Answer: B


80 % of information is perceived from driver`s eyes while driving



#76. You saw a car just entered a parallel parking lot ahead, what should you do?

Answer: C


#77. At a gradual bend, when should you change to a higher gear?

Answer: B


#78. What is the first thing that must be done if the accelerator pedal gets stuck?

Answer: A

try to lift it up, if still can not then brake, change to a lower gear, keep left and stop at the road side when necessary


#79. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

Answer: B


#80. While the vehicle is in motion, which of the following will cause the engine to stall?

Answer: B


#81. A lorry travelling on your right signals its intention to turn left, what should you do?

Answer: B


#82. The engine-braking effect is most effective when the vehicle is in

Answer: B


#83. While stopping, what will happen if the clutch pedal is depressed too early?

Answer: C


#84. How should you bring a vehicle to an emergency stop?

Answer: A


#85. After completing a turn, the steering wheel should be

Answer: B


#86. Which of the following cause the speed of a vehicle to decrease?

Answer: B


#87. When you are on an uneven road you should _____

Answer: B

When road is uneven you should slow down to ensure proper control of vehicle.


#88. Be a good driver is not enough, you also have to be


Answer: B

A safe driver considers many other factors besides just being good at handling a motor vehicle.


#89. After changing from 1st gear to 2nd gear, you should

Answer: A


#90. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

Answer: C


#91. When involved in an accident you should

Answer: A

No matter how minor the accident is you would need to stop.


#92. When moving off, what might cause the vehicle to jump and surge forward?

Answer: A


#93. To pass your practical driving test, you should not accumulate more than ______ demerit points.

Answer: B

18 is the highest points you shall get to pass your test, 20 points means fail, and a single mistake costs you at least 2 points.


#94. What would happen if the half-clutch position is maintained for too long?

Answer: B

The clutch lining will wear out rapidly due to the heat caused by the slipping of clutch, if the half-clutch position is maintained for too long


#95. When should you fasten the seat belt?

Answer: B


#96. Which of the following offence will get you 8 demerit points


Answer: A

exceeding speed limit by < 20km/h – 4 points 20 to 30km/h – 6 points 30 to 40km/h – 8 points 40 to 50km/h – 12 points 50 to 60km/h – 18 points >60km/h – 24 points


#97. What could cause overheating of engine?

Answer: C

A leaky radiator will not have enough coolant to cool the engine. Low engine oil cannot help to reduce friction caused by engine heat thus engine overheat.


#98. What is the gap a motorist should keep when passing pedestrians facing away from the traffic and are walking on roads without pavement or pedestrian footpath?

Answer: B

A motorist should keep a gap of at least 1.5m when passing pedestrians facing away from the traffic and are walking on roads without pavement or pedestrian footpath


#99. A Short-circuit in the electrical system of the vehicle can cause

Answer: C

Short circuit in the electrical system can cause fire


#100. When driving at night, you must _______ when facing oncoming vehicles.

Answer: C

Dip your headlights when facing oncoming vehicles to prevent blinding oncoming road users momentarily.


#101. While performing the emergency brake, you should

Answer: A

depress brake pedal first then clutch pedal, avoid braking too hard and lock the wheels, hands should firmly hold on the steering wheel


#102. You see a ball bouncing onto the road while driving through parked cars, you should

Answer: A


#103. A motorcyclist cuts into Lane 1 in front of you on the expressway and then slows down behind another vehicle. What should be your response?

Answer: A


#104. Which of the following is an appropriate procedure when about to move off?

Answer: A


Always adjust seat, fasten seat-belt, & finally adjust the mirrors after entering the car.




#105. What happens to the tachometer (used to indicate number of engine revolutions per minute ) While stopping, when should you depress the clutch pedal?

Answer: A


#106. Most accidents can be prevented if the users:

Answer: C


#107. What will happen if you turn into a narrow bend too late?

Answer: A


#108. If you lock the wheels accidentally, quickly release the ______ pedal and apply the ______ technique until the vehicle comes to a stop.

Answer: A

If you locks the wheel accidentally, quickly release the Brake pedal and apply the Intermittent braking technique until the vehicle comes to a stop


#109. You should not drive with the interior lights on

Answer: A

You should not drive with the interior lights on because it reduces your external visibility


#110. Carrying passengers on a goods vehicle, without a permit is an offence which will give you ______ demerit points

Answer: A

Carrying passengers on a goods vehicle, without a permit offences 3 demerit points


#111. The horn is used to?

Answer: C


#112. You will be disqualified from driving if you are caught for:

Answer: A


#113. If the centrifugal force is greater than the friction force, the vehicle will ______

Answer: A


#114. ______ results in the loss of steering control and braking efficiency

Answer: C


Aquaplaning results in the loss of steering control and braking efficiency



#115. Which of the following pedal is present in manual vehicles and yet absent in automatic vehicles?

Answer: C


#116. When your windscreen shatters, you should ______

Answer: C



#117. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding vehicle headlight?

Answer: B


#118. When facing oncoming traffic, you should ____.

Answer: C

You should dip you headlights so as not to temporarily blind other road users.


#119. If the brake lights of the vehicle in front of you suddenly light up, you should ___

Answer: C


#120. In which of the following situations, the Keep Left rule can relax?


Answer: A

One exception to the keep left rule is when the left side of the road is obstructed.



#121. To counter aquaplaning, you should

Answer: A


#122. When the vehicle you are overtaking accelerates, you should?

Answer: A

When the vehicle you are overtaking accelerates, you should slow down and filter back to the traffic flow.


#123. When changing gears, you should look at


Answer: C

should look at the road ahead


#124. As comparing night-driving with day-driving, it is advisable to

Answer: A

drive a slower speed


#125. When you are travelling along the expressway, which lane you may keep to, if your vehicle is not a slow moving vehicle?


Answer: B

center lane is for normal vehicle, left lane is for slow moving vehicle (usually below 70km/h), and right lane is for overtaking.


#126. The handbrake operates on

Answer: A


#127. Which of the following is correct? When braking, you should

Answer: C


#128. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

Answer: C


#129. while switching lanes, It is harder to estimate the speed and distance of the vehicles ______

Answer: A


#130. When driving along an expressway, you should use the outermost right-hand lane

After overtaking return to the inner lane as soon as it is safe to do so.


#131. When should you obey the Reduce Speed Now sign?

Answer: A

Always obey the “Reduce speed now” sign


#132. If you lose proper control of your vehicle after consumed a little bit of alcohol, you will be charged with ______ even though your blood alcohol concentration is below the legal limit.

Answer: A


#133. Tyres should be changed

Answer: B

If the tyres are smooth and bald, your vehicle will tend to skid, and it will be harder to control.


#134. When being overtaken, what is the right thing to do?

Answer: A

when being overtaken, one should slow down and make it easy for the overtaking vehicle


#135. The result of the centrifugal force is

Answer: A


#136. Which gears gives you the most torque?

Answer: A


#137. When the pointer of temperature gauge is at the red section, it means

Answer: A


#138. At junctions with a STOP sign

Answer: A


#139. When you are driving at 15km/h, the distance you should look ahead is

Answer: C


#140. In order to stop gradually the driver should

Answer: B


#141. What will be the penalty for people who have been caught for repeated drink driving?

Answer: B


#142. A good driver is who

Answer: A

A good driver is who drives safely & follow the regulations


#143. The following distance between vehicles going uphill should be

Answer: B

A greater following distance allows for more time and space to react should the vehicle in front rolls backwards


#144. If caught driving on the road shoulder, you will face _____

Answer: B

Driving on road shoulder is an offence where the person will be fined and given demerit points. 6 demerit points Fine $150 for light vehicle, $180 for Heavy vehicle


#145. When will engine brake take effect while travelling downhill?

Answer: A

engine brake will be more effective with lower gear.


#146. Which gear is also known as Overdrive?

Answer: C

5th Gear is also known as Over drive
