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#1. When you see a dog sitting right in the middle of your travelling path, you should:

Answer: C


#2. When another vehicle tries to overtake your car dangerously

Answer: A

When being overtaken, sound the horn only when accidents might happen


#3. ________ demerit points are awarded to a motorist who exceeds the speed limit of a road by 1 to 20km/h within a school zone.

Answer: (A).


#4. Which sign warns you to slow down and beware of traffic from your right?

Answer: (B).


#5. The penalty for exceeding the road or vehicle speed limit by more than 60km/h is _____

Answer: (C).


#6. Which of the following is correct? When braking, you should

Answer: C


#7. Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is to prevent the wheels from locking and hence to prevent skidding, it will come into effect

Answer: A


If you depress the brake too excessively, it might cause the wheels to be locked and the vehicle to skid, ABS prevents the wheels from locking so the car can still be controlled


#8. Class 3 & 3A licence holders can carry ____________ in a motor vehicle


Answer: (B)


#9. At junctions with a STOP sign

Answer: A


#10. Which sign shows a Roundabout Ahead? What must you do there?

Answer: (A)


#11. While stopping, what will happen if the clutch pedal is depressed too early?

Answer: C


#12. Class 3 & 3A licence holders can carry ____________ in a motor vehicle


Answer: (B)


#13. A Class 3 or 3A licence shall become invalid when the licence holder reaches the age of

Answer: (B)


#14. Probationary drivers must display the probationary plate for

Answer: (B).


#15. When approaching a puddle of water, you should

Answer: C


#16. Upon seeing this sign

  1. Answer: A

#17. Singaporeans and permanent residents _______ drive in Singapore if they hold a foreign driving licence.

Answer: (B).


#18. Also known as a Staggered Junction, it requires you to slow down and beware of traffic from the left first and then from the right. Which sign is this?

Answer: (C).


#19. A probationary driver’s licence will be revoked if he/she accumulates

Answer: (A).


#20. At an uncontrolled junction, if there is no

Anwer: C

give way to traffic turning right from the right.


#21. The above are all NO ENTRY signs. What do they indicate no entry for (starting from left to right)?

Answer: (A).


#22. How would you activate engine-braking?

Answer: A


#23. When driving on the road, you should always position your vehicle

Answer: B

You should position your vehilce in the center of the lane, no matter it is a right-hand side lane or left-hand side lane.


#24. All warning signs are indicated by red-bordered triangles. What is the first thing you would usually do if you see such a sign?

Answer: (C). Warning Signs caution motorists of the danger and unusual conditions ahead. They also alert you on what to expect. Slowing down gives you time to take appropriate action.


#25. Remission is given to a suspended motorist only if the offences leading to the suspension did not involve

Answer: (C).


#26. A learner driver may drive on public roads, accompanied by a qualified driving instructor

Answer: (A). A learner driver is not allowed to practise driving on all expressways at anytime of the day and on certain other specified roads.


#27. To pass your practical driving test, you should not accumulate more than ______ demerit points.

Answer: B

18 is the highest points you shall get to pass your test, 20 points means fail, and a single mistake costs you at least 2 points.


#28. You should check for oil and water leakages


Answer: A

Check for oil or water leakages under the vehicle daily.


#29. The light turns green at a traffic light controlled junction, you should ______

Answer: B


#30. The purpose of displaying ‘L’ plates is to warn other motorists to

Answer: (B). Exercising caution is always a good habit when driving, it prevents accidents. The learner driver must always take the opportunities to learn good habits in order to become a competent driver.


#31. Careless driving in a school zone will earn you _________ demerit points.

Answer: (B).


#32. When you see this sign it means

Answer: (C).


#33. Probationary drivers who fail to display the probation plate

Answer: C


#34. The brake become ineffective after passing through water, how to resume its effectiveness?

Answer: C


#35. As comparing night-driving with day-driving, it is advisable to

Answer: A

drive a slower speed


#36. The penalty for beating a red traffic light in a school zone includes a fine and __________.

Answer: (B). Offences committed in school zones attract one extra demerit point as compared to the same offence committed elsewhere.


#37. When can a car enter the yellow box at a junction?

Answer: C


#38. A Short-circuit in the electrical system of the vehicle can cause

Answer: C

Short circuit in the electrical system can cause fire


#39. A Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) is valid for

Answer: (A). Note: It can be renewed for a further 24 months each time.


#40. Which of the following pedal is present in manual vehicles and yet absent in automatic vehicles?

Answer: C


#41. This is a Prohibitory Sign which means

Answer: (C). Signs in this category are usually circular in shape with a red border. Some have additional information on the prohibition such as the days and times during which the prohibition is applicable.


#42. When can a car enter the yellow box at a junction?

Answer: C


#43. A learner driver is allowed on the road when:

Answer: C


#44. Which are the signs that indicate road narrowing ahead?

Answer: (B). When these signs are indicated, slow down. Do not overtake or make a U-turn. Do not stop or park your vehicle.


#45. You will invite _______ for failing to wear a seat-belt as a driver.

Answer: (A).


#46. A probationary driver who accumulates 13 or more demerit points within _________ from the date of grant of the license will have his/her license revoked.

Answer: C


#47. This is another Prohibitory Sign that indicates

Answer: (A).


#48. When making a left turn, your body should

Answer: C


#49. What kinds of cars are not allowed on the Expressway?

Answer: A

Learner drivers are not allowed to practice on the expressway


#50. To drive a motor vehicle with an unladen weight exceeding 2,500kg and built to carry a load and passengers, you must have a

Answer: (B)


#51. The red is on at the traffic lights and you have stopped at the white line but you see this sign. What should you do?

Answer: (B). Before approaching to turn left on red, you must give way to traffic approaching from your right and allow pedestrians to cross in front of you at the junction before driving on.


#52. If you lose proper control of your vehicle after consumed a little bit of alcohol, you will be charged with ______ even though your blood alcohol concentration is below the legal limit.

Answer: A


#53. The purpose of displaying ‘L’ plates is to warn other motorists to

Answer: (B). Exercising caution is always a good habit when driving, it prevents accidents. The learner driver must always take the opportunities to learn good habits in order to become a competent driver.


#54. What should you do when your vehicle`s windscreen is shattered on an expressway

Answer: A


#55. Holders of Class 3 & 3A licence can drive a motor vehicle with an unladen weight not exceeding

Answer: (C)


#56. When should you dip your headlights?

Answer: C

Dip headlights when follow another vehicle so the beam will not be reflected in the rear mirror of the vehicle in front and dazzle him. Dip headlights on oncoming traffic so as not to dazzle the driver


#57. Which gears gives you the most torque?

Answer: A


#58. The Basic Theory of Driving Test (BTT) is designed to test your knowledge of

Answer: (C)


#59. When the traffic light turns amber and you have just crossed the stop-line, you should ______

Answer: C


#60. Class 3 and 3A licence holders who reach the age of 65 can continue to drive if

Answer: (C).


#61. What should you do when you see traffic light sign on the road (not the real traffic light)?

Answer: A


#62. The penalty for beating a red traffic light include a fine and _____.

Answer: (B).


#63. Foreigners whose Work Pass is extended can renew their driving licence

Answer: (C).


#64. What should you do when your wheels mount the kerb while turning?

Answer: B


#65. When you see this sign it means you have to

Answer: (A). If the arrow points to the right, you have to turn right only.


#66. Provisional Driving Licence ‘L’ plates must be displayed at the front and back of the vehicle driven by a learner driver

Answer: (C). The ‘L’ plates must always be displayed whenever the learner driver is out on the roads.


#67. What does EMAS stand for?



#68. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding vehicle headlight?

Answer: B


#69. You may park your vehicle any time on Sundays and public holidays on a road, which has

Answer: A


#70. Single yellow zig-zag line means:

Answer: C

You can not park but can stop for immediately boarding and alighting
