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#1. If you see this road sign, you are to

Answer: (B). Likewise, an arrow pointing right indicates you are to keep right.


#2. The handbrake should be applied when:

Answer: C


#3. Retraining and remission are not offered to motorists who are suspended

Answer: (C).


#4. Visibility is poor, however you noticed there are oncoming vehicles and cyclists, you should

Answer: B


#5. Why do you need to have a driving licence?

The correct answer is (A). Note: The process of obtaining a driving licence ensures that every driver is equipped with the knowledge and basic skills of driving as well as the rules and laws before going on the roads.


#6. The red is on at the traffic lights and you have stopped at the white line but you see this sign. What should you do?

Answer: (B). Before approaching to turn left on red, you must give way to traffic approaching from your right and allow pedestrians to cross in front of you at the junction before driving on.


#7. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding vehicle headlight?

Answer: B


#8. A person who has just obtained a Class 2B, 3 or 3A licence must

Answer: (B).


#9. On an expressway the road shoulder is meant for ______

Answer: A


#10. What causes the car engine to be overheated?

Answer: A


#11. Also known as a Staggered Junction, it requires you to slow down and beware of traffic from the left first and then from the right. Which sign is this?

Answer: (C).


#12. ________ demerit points are awarded to a motorist who exceeds the speed limit of a road by 1 to 20km/h within a school zone.

Answer: (A).


#13. Your licence has been revoked. When can you apply to site for the theory and practical driving tests again?

Answer: (A).


#14. ________ demerit points are awarded to a motorist who exceeds the speed limit of a road by 1 to 20km/h within a school zone.

Answer: (A).


#15. Single yellow zig-zag line means:

Answer: C

You can not park but can stop for immediately boarding and alighting


#16. What is the most probable cause of brake fade when travelling down a long steep slope?

Answer: B


Using the foot brake all the way down a long steep slope will cause brake fade due to overheating of the brakes


#17. This sign alerts you to

Answer: (A). Keep left and when going around a bend you should also not overtake, make a u-turn or stop or park your vehicle at the bend. The sign may also show a right bend ahead, if the stroke is pointing to the right.


#18. The penalty for exceeding the road or vehicle speed limit by more than 60km/h is _____

Answer: (C).


#19. The most serious offence of the three listed below is

Answer: (C). Reckless driving is a very serious offence. You will be penalised 24 demerit points and prosecuted in court.


#20. If you are caught drink driving, what will happen?

Answer: C

Drinking driving will endanger lives and is a serious offense in Singapore.


#21. What does the sign here mean? It means

Answer: (A).


#22. What does EMAS stand for?



#23. The following distance between vehicles going uphill should be

Answer: B

A greater following distance allows for more time and space to react should the vehicle in front rolls backwards


#24. In order to stop gradually the driver should

Answer: B


#25. Which one of following statement is false?

Answer: C


#26. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

Answer: B

Pedestrians should not cross at the zig-zag area, they should cross at the zebra lines.


#27. When topping up fuel at a petrol station, your engine should be

Answer: A

 Always switched off.your engine BEFORE topping up your fuel. An idling engine is highly dangerous as it may cause fuel vapours to ignite.


#28. When you see this sign it means you may

Answer: (B). This sign may have a panel with the supplementary information attached below it to indicate some exceptions like the days and times during which “no waiting” and “no loading/unloading” are not applicable.


#29. How many areas cannot be viewed in the mirrors of a vehicle when seated on the driver's seat, which are referred as the blind spots?

Answer: A


#30. Holders of Class 3 & 3A licence can drive a motor vehicle with an unladen weight not exceeding

Answer: (C)


#31. A driver’s licence will be revoked if

Answer: (B).


#32. When involved in an accident you should

Answer: A

No matter how minor the accident is you would need to stop.


#33. The first time penalty for the newly qualified driver who does not display the probation plates is

Answer: (A).


#34. Foreigners who are holder of a Work Pass are issued driving licences that are valid

Answer: (B)


#35. This is another Prohibitory Sign that indicates

Answer: (A).


#36. The driver improvement points system helps identify

Answer: (B).


#37. You notice that a traffic light shows flashing amber, what should you do?

Answer: C

Flashing amber suggests that the traffic light is not working, you should proceed with caution.


#38. This sign shows

Answer: (A). If the pointed end of the black curved line is indicating left then “no left turn” is applicable at all times. The sign may have a panel with supplementary information attached below it to show “no right turn” or “no left turn” only at some restricted times on certain days.


#39. This ‘STOP CHILDREN’ sign is meant for

Answer: (A). The sign is usually hand held by school wardens/volunteers where schools are located.


#40. The sign indicates

Answer: B


#41. Under the driver improvement points system, drivers who accumulate __________ become liable for suspension.

Answer: (A).


#42. This sign indicates

Answer: (B).


#43. When can a car enter the yellow box at a junction?

Answer: C


#44. At an uncontrolled junction without "Give Way" and "Stop" sign, if you are turning right, you must:

Answer: A


#45. This is a Prohibitory Sign which means


#46. When parking your vehicle on a slope facing uphill, the two front wheels should be positioned?

Answer: C


#47. How many pedals does a manual car have?

Answer: B

A manual car has 3 pedals. The clutch, brake and accelerator


#48. Why should more than 2 seconds safe following distance be kept on rainy days or poor visibility days?

Answer: C

When the road is wet/slippery and visibility is poor, always keep a wider following distance.



#49. Upon seeing this sign, you should

Answer: A


#50. This sign indicates

Answer: A


#51. Which is the main factor that contributes to traffic accidents?

Answer: A


#52. This sign indicates

Answer: (B).


#53. Which of the following is correct for the hours 7.00 pm to 7.00 am

Answer: B


#54. Which of the following is an appropriate procedure when about to move off?

Answer: A


Always adjust seat, fasten seat-belt, & finally adjust the mirrors after entering the car.




#55. What kinds of cars are not allowed on the Expressway?

Answer: A

Learner drivers are not allowed to practice on the expressway


#56. When another vehicle tries to overtake your car dangerously

Answer: A

When being overtaken, sound the horn only when accidents might happen


#57. A good driver is who

Answer: A

A good driver is who drives safely & follow the regulations


#58. Which statement is true?

Answer: (B). Note: Class 3A licence holders are not allowed to drive vehicles with a manual gear transmission.


#59. When you see this sign it means you have to

Answer: (A). If the arrow points to the right, you have to turn right only.


#60. The brake become ineffective after passing through water, how to resume its effectiveness?

Answer: C


#61. Drivers who are suspended for a year or more under the Driver Improvement Points System or whose license is revoked must retake the

Answer: (C).


#62. Upon seeing a flashing amber light, you should ______

Answer: C


#63. you should not drive when suffering from

Answer: A


#64. A learner driver may drive on public roads, accompanied by a qualified driving instructor

Answer: (A). A learner driver is not allowed to practise driving on all expressways at anytime of the day and on certain other specified roads.


#65. When you are allowed to drive on the right-hand lane of a three-lane carriageway?

Answer: C

the right-hand side lane should only be used for overtaking and emergency vehicles.


#66. Probationary drivers who fail to display the probation plate

Answer: C


#67. A motorist will have his/her previously accumulated demerit points erased if he/she does not accumulate any demerit points in

Answer: (C).


#68. Retraining and remission are not offered to motorists who are suspended

Answer: (C).


#69. While driving, you received a SMS message on your mobile phone. Which of the following is a safe reaction?

Answer: C


#70. You will invite _______ for failing to wear a seat-belt as a driver.

Answer: (A).


#71. The first time penalty for the newly qualified driver who does not display the probation plates is

Answer: (A).


#72. You may park your vehicle on the side of a road with _____

Answer: A


#73. The engine-braking effect is most effective when the vehicle is in

Answer: B


#74. When can a car enter the yellow box at a junction?

Answer: C


#75. The Basic Theory of Driving Test (BTT) is designed to test your knowledge of

Answer: (C)


#76. Is a newly qualified driver is stopped for not displaying the probation plates for the second time, the penalty is

Answer: (C).


#77. When may you cross the center line of a two-way road?

Answer: C

Must take extra care that the path is safe and clear before crossing the center line.


#78. Foreigners whose Work Pass is extended can renew their driving licence


#79. When your vehicle is heavily loaded, the stopping distance will

Answer: A


#80. The three Prohibitory Signs, seen from left to right, define the

Answer: (B). If you were to see all three signs placed one beside the other, they indicate that your vehicle must not be of a height greater than 4.5 metres, a width not more than 2.3 metres and may not exceed a weight of 26 tonnes. These restrictions apply regardless of whether your vehicle is carrying a load or not. The height, width and weight restrictions may vary from location to location. Most locations have only one sign. It is rare that all three signs are placed together.


#81. The purpose of displaying ‘L’ plates is to warn other motorists to

Answer: (B). Exercising caution is always a good habit when driving, it prevents accidents. The learner driver must always take the opportunities to learn good habits in order to become a competent driver.


#82. A previously suspended driver will face another suspension if he accumulates at least

Answer: (C).


#83. When you see a dog sitting right in the middle of your travelling path, you should:

Answer: C


#84. This sign indicates you must

Answer: (A). Slow down at the triangular road marking, stop at the give way lines and proceed only when there are no buses waiting to exit the bus-bay.


#85. What does the sign here mean? It means

Answer: (A).


#86. Careless driving in a school zone will earn you _________ demerit points.

Answer: (B).


#87. If a driver’s licence has been revoked, he/she must ________ before being allowed to drive again?

Answer: (C).


#88. The horn is used to?

Answer: C


#89. When you are allowed to drive on the right-hand lane of a three-lane carriageway?

Answer: C

the right-hand side lane should only be used for overtaking and emergency vehicles.


#90. Under the driver improvement points system (DIPS), a driver will be suspended ________ in a first time suspension?

Answer: (A).


#91. What does the number in this sign show?

Answer: (C). The number may vary depending on the speed limit for that particular road.


#92. This sign indicates

Answer: (B). If the arrow points to the right, you have to turn right only.


#93. You may park your vehicle any time on Sundays and public holidays on a road, which has

Answer: A


#94. This sign means no entry

Answer: (B).


#95. The handbrake operates on

Answer: A


#96. To pass your practical driving test, you should not accumulate more than ______ demerit points.

Answer: B

18 is the highest points you shall get to pass your test, 20 points means fail, and a single mistake costs you at least 2 points.


#97. Probationary drivers who fail to display the probation plate

Answer: (C).


#98. Roughly, how many percent of information perceived from the driver's eyes?

Answer: B


80 % of information is perceived from driver`s eyes while driving



#99. Why do you need to have a driving licence?

The correct answer is (A). Note: The process of obtaining a driving licence ensures that every driver is equipped with the knowledge and basic skills of driving as well as the rules and laws before going on the roads.


#100. As comparing night-driving with day-driving, it is advisable to

Answer: A

drive a slower speed


#101. All warning signs are indicated by red-bordered triangles. What is the first thing you would usually do if you see such a sign?

Answer: (C). Warning Signs caution motorists of the danger and unusual conditions ahead. They also alert you on what to expect. Slowing down gives you time to take appropriate action.


#102. How much space you should leave between your chest and the shoulder belt? If the seat belt is non-retractable.

Answer: A



#103. When can a vehicle enter and wait in the yellow-box at a junction, if not obstruct others?

Answer: C


#104. Probationary drivers must display the probationary plate for

Answer: (B).


#105. The penalty for exceeding the road or vehicle speed limit by more than 60km/h is _____

Answer: (C).


#106. To counter aquaplaning, you should

Answer: A


#107. Which are the signs that indicate road narrowing ahead?

Answer: (B). When these signs are indicated, slow down. Do not overtake or make a U-turn. Do not stop or park your vehicle.


#108. The above are all NO ENTRY signs. What do they indicate no entry for (starting from left to right)?

Answer: (A).


#109. When caught in a traffic jam, you should _____.

Answer: C


#110. Be a good driver is not enough, you also have to be


Answer: B

A safe driver considers many other factors besides just being good at handling a motor vehicle.


#111. You will invite _______ for failing to wear a seat-belt as a driver.

Answer: (A).


#112. Remission is given to a suspended motorist only if the offences leading to the suspension did not involve

Answer: (C).


#113. To allow the motorcyclist behind to overtake you, you should:


Answer: B

you should slow down gradually instead of quickly to give advance warning to other drivers who would then be able to adjust their speed accordingly.


#114. There are different categories of traffic signs, each serves a different purpose. Mandatory Signs give direction that must be

Answer: (A). Except for a few, most Mandatory Signs are circular, with a blue background and a white border.


#115. When driving on the road, you should always position you vehicle

Answer: B

You should position your vehilce in the center of the lane, no matter it is a right-hand side lane or left-hand side lane.


#116. The most serious offence of the three listed below is

Answer: (C). Reckless driving is a very serious offence. You will be penalised 24 demerit points and prosecuted in court.


#117. If you lose proper control of your vehicle after consumed a little bit of alcohol, you will be charged with ______ even though your blood alcohol concentration is below the legal limit.

Answer: A


#118. Is WS 16 also called an Inverted Y-Junction?

Answer: (C).


#119. Which of the following is NOT applicable to parallel continuous white lines in the center of a two-way road?

Answer: B


#120. Parallel continuous yellow lines indicate ___ at all times on that side of the road where these lines are drawn, except for immediate picking up or letting down of passengers.


Answer: A

single straight yellow line – no parking during 7.00am -7:00pm, except Sundays & public holidays; double continuous yellow lines – no parking at all times


#121. A Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) is granted only if you pass the

Answer: (B). Note: A PDL is issued only to able-bodied persons who are 18 years old or beyond.


#122. A learner driver may drive on public roads, accompanied by a qualified driving instructor

Answer: (A). A learner driver is not allowed to practise driving on all expressways at anytime of the day and on certain other specified roads.


#123. The penalty for reversing your vehicle on an expressway without a valid reason is

Answer: (A).


#124. The sign indicates

Answer: C


#125. Which sign warns you to slow down and beware of traffic approaching the junction and is also known as an intersection?

Answer: (B).


#126. If the signal light is not canceled after making a turn, it will ______.

Answer: C


#127. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

Answer: B


#128. The brake pedal operates on

Answer: B


#129. When making a left turn, your body should

Answer: C


#130. You should check for oil and water leakages


Answer: A

Check for oil or water leakages under the vehicle daily.


#131. When a cyclist turns his head to look behind, most likely

Answer: B


#132. When you see this sign it means

Answer: (C).


#133. When the vehicle you are overtaking accelerates, you should?

Answer: A

When the vehicle you are overtaking accelerates, you should slow down and filter back to the traffic flow.


#134. When there is an emergency vehicle travelling behind you, you should ______.

  1. keep left or right and slow down or stop if necessary.

#135. When should you obey the Reduce Speed Now sign?

Answer: A

Always obey the “Reduce speed now” sign


#136. Probationary drivers must display the probationary plate for

Answer: (B).


#137. When parking at an up slope which gear should be engaged?

Answer: A


#138. Which of the following pedal is present in manual vehicles and yet absent in automatic vehicles?

Answer: C


#139. Provisional Driving Licence ‘L’ plates must be displayed at the front and back of the vehicle driven by a learner driver

Answer: (C). The ‘L’ plates must always be displayed whenever the learner driver is out on the roads.


#140. How would you activate engine-braking?

Answer: A


#141. Using a mobile telephone while driving will earn you ________.

Answer (A).


#142. At an uncontrolled junction, if there is no

Anwer: C

give way to traffic turning right from the right.


#143. Which gears gives you the most torque?

Answer: A


#144. A probationary driver’s licence will be revoked if he/she accumulates

Answer: (A).


#145. When you are travelling along the expressway, which lane you may keep to, if your vehicle is not a slow moving vehicle?


Answer: B

center lane is for normal vehicle, left lane is for slow moving vehicle (usually below 70km/h), and right lane is for overtaking.


#146. The penalty for beating a red traffic light include a fine and _____.

Answer: (B).


#147. When approaching a puddle of water, you should

Answer: C


#148. Class 4A, 4 and 5 driving licence holders can continue to drive from age 65 to 69 if

Answer: (B).


#149. When driving down from steep slopes, you should engage the

Answer: A


#150. This is a Prohibitory Sign which means

Answer: (C). Signs in this category are usually circular in shape with a red border. Some have additional information on the prohibition such as the days and times during which the prohibition is applicable.


#151. Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is to prevent the wheels from locking and hence to prevent skidding, it will come into effect

Answer: A


If you depress the brake too excessively, it might cause the wheels to be locked and the vehicle to skid, ABS prevents the wheels from locking so the car can still be controlled


#152. A person who has just obtained a Class 2B, 3 or 3A licence must

Answer: (B).


#153. A driver who is suspended for the first time is given a remission if he/she

Answer: (B).


#154. Singaporeans and permanent residents _______ drive in Singapore if they hold a foreign driving licence.

Answer: (B).


#155. This sign shows

Answer: (B).


#156. Which are the signs that indicate road narrowing ahead?

Answer: (B). When these signs are indicated, slow down. Do not overtake or make a U-turn. Do not stop or park your vehicle.


#157. Locking of wheels may cause the vehicle to ______

Answer: C


#158. Retraining and remission are not offered to motorists who are suspended

Answer: (C).


#159. What should you do when you see traffic light sign on the road (not the real traffic light)?

Answer: A


#160. The light turns green at a traffic light controlled junction, you should ______

Answer: B


#161. You may overtake on the left only when

Answer: B


#162. Traffic signs and light signals are designed and erected to

Answer: (C). Besides (A) and (B), traffic signs and light signals also warn driver and other road users of hazards.


#163. A probationary driver who accumulates 13 or more demerit points within _________ from the date of grant of the license will have his/her license revoked.

Answer: C


#164. Which of the following statements is true?

Answer: (A)


#165. When should you fasten the seat belt?

Answer: B


#166. Class 3 & 3A licence holders can carry ____________ in a motor vehicle


Answer: (B)


#167. A Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) is valid for

Answer: (A). Note: It can be renewed for a further 24 months each time.


#168. Which warning signs are known as Y-Junctions that require you to slow down and beware of traffic joining from left and right or from the left or right only?

Answer: (A). WS 8 is not described as a ‘Y’ junction. It is an inverted ‘Y’.


#169. A newly qualified driver must display the probation plates on the front and rear windscreens of his/her car for a period of

Answer: (B).


#170. When driving on the road, you should always position your vehicle

Answer: B

You should position your vehilce in the center of the lane, no matter it is a right-hand side lane or left-hand side lane.


#171. Using a mobile telephone while driving will earn you ________.

Answer (A).


#172. The purpose of displaying ‘L’ plates is to warn other motorists to

Answer: (B). Exercising caution is always a good habit when driving, it prevents accidents. The learner driver must always take the opportunities to learn good habits in order to become a competent driver.


#173. Intermittent braking(ON/OFF)

Answer: B


#174. When should you dip your headlights?

Answer: C

Dip headlights when follow another vehicle so the beam will not be reflected in the rear mirror of the vehicle in front and dazzle him. Dip headlights on oncoming traffic so as not to dazzle the driver


#175. Careless driving in a school zone will earn you _________ demerit points.

Answer: (B).


#176. Which sign shows a Roundabout Ahead? What must you do there?

Answer: (A)


#177. What could cause overheating of engine?

Answer: C

A leaky radiator will not have enough coolant to cool the engine. Low engine oil cannot help to reduce friction caused by engine heat thus engine overheat.


#178. At an uncontrolled junction, if there is no

Anwer: C

give way to traffic turning right from the right.


#179. road sweeping ahead, you should

Answer: C


#180. A Short-circuit in the electrical system of the vehicle can cause

Answer: C

Short circuit in the electrical system can cause fire


#181. road shoulders can be used

Answer: C


#182. If the brake lights of the vehicle in front of you suddenly light up, you should ___

Answer: C


#183. When the rear of your vehicle skids sideways, you should:

Answer: C


#184. Is it ok to make a mobile phone call while you are driving on the expressway?


#185. What should you do when your vehicle`s windscreen is shattered on an expressway

Answer: A


#186. In which of the following situations will you get your license suspended immediately.

Answer: C


#187. At junctions with a STOP sign

Answer: A


#188. Which sign warns you to slow down and give way to traffic from the left and right?

Answer: (C).


#189. When driving on the road, you should always position your vehicle

Answer: B

You should position your vehilce in the center of the lane, no matter it is a right-hand side lane or left-hand side lane.


#190. A learner driver is allowed on the road when:

Answer: C


#191. Which of the following is INCORRECT? You are allowed to overtake

Answer: A


#192. The penalty for beating a red traffic light in a school zone includes a fine and __________.

Answer: (B). Offences committed in school zones attract one extra demerit point as compared to the same offence committed elsewhere.


#193. The sign here indicates that you must

Answer: (B).


#194. The Basic Theory of Driving Test (BTT) is designed to test your knowledge of

Answer: C


#195. Which warning signs are known as Y-Junctions that require you to slow down and beware of traffic joining from left and right or from the left or right only?

Answer: (A). WS 8 is not described as a ‘Y’ junction. It is an inverted ‘Y’.


#196. When stopping at a junction, leave a safety gap of ____ between your vehicle and the vehicle in front.

Answer: A


#197. Which of the following statements is true?

Answer: (A).


#198. You may park your vehicle any time on Sundays and public holidays on a road, which has

Answer: A


#199. The Warning Signs above show

Answer: (B). You should always slow down before negotiating a series of bends.


#200. Foreigners whose Work Pass is extended can renew their driving licence

Answer: (C).
